How to make a homemade fire pit.

How to make a homemade fire pit.

The recent trend at the landscaping is the use of fire pits as a useful element of the decor.

In this article I’ll show you how to make a fire pit with your own hands. Therefore you should read carefully, because it is your doing – to create a handmade pit on the source site. This, of course, is a very complicated process, but the result is worth it. After all, so you can change the original garden, giving it warmth and comfort.

To do this, first you need to choose a suitable place. The cup should not be located next to the bushes, trees, flower beds, wooden buildings and any other flammable objects.

The next step is to draw the contours of the future of the bowl on the land.

To draw a circle, you can use an ordinary cord or rope. One end of the cord is fixed to a peg driven into the center of the future pit, and the other end is wrapped around the can with spray paint. The diameter of the circle is 1.5 m. In the same way you should draw two circles, one of which outlines the contours of the hearth itself (about a meter), and the other defines the boundaries of recreational areas around the bowl (approximately 3.5 m).

The third step is to create a footing for the pit.

For this purpose, between the circles of 1 m and 1.5 m, i.e. the inner ring, dig a pit, which is then cemented. The recommended depth is about 15 cm. It is desirable to ensure that the surface of a smooth and plane.

Next step is to build the walls of the pit.

It is best to use stone for this. Naturally, for the upper part of the wall a more good-looking material is chosen.You should begin to make the laying from the outer edge of the base. At the end of the first row to begin the inner edge of the base. Moreover, it is already possible to use a brick. It is desirable to lay it on edge.

Stones and bricks are stacked row upon row. It is not recommended to place rocks diagonally or vertically at this, as apparently it does not look very attractive.

When the walls are the correct height, the voids between the brick and stone are filled with mortar. It is important that the wall surface is flat and smooth.

After the fire pit is ready, you can start preparing the area around it. For this purpose, any weeds and grass are carefully destroyed. On the refined space, experts recommend to pull the landscape grid, and after it to fill the recreation area with decorative gravel.
Some designers offer to place comfortable seating around the bowl better in a semicircle, where hosts and guests could relax with a warm conversation.

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homemade fire pits backyard
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homemade fire pits designs

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