If the interior style requires the presence of fireplace, but it is impossible to build the real one, you can make the fake fireplace with your own hands.
The kinds of fake fireplaces
The fake fireplaces can be divided into 3 kinds: authentic, relative and nominal.
The authentic fireplaces represent the fullest imitation of the real wood-burning ones. They are made according to the standard proportions and dimensions of home fireplace. The design principles of authentic fireplaces depend on the chosen style. The fire-chamber of such fireplace can be provided with electric heater or even burner of the bio fireplace, to achieve the complete illusion of burning wood.
The relative fake fireplaces can have any form, size and decorative design. Its portal sticks out into the room, and its fire-chamber is filled with the candles, which can be put out, if the walls and the floor are faced with incombustible materials. Instead of candles, the fire-chamber can be filled with fire-wood. However, it’s not allowed to make a fire, as the fire-wood can fulfill only decorative function.
The nominal fake fireplaces often represent the simple images of fire: pictures, photo-wallpaper, and elements of stucco molding on the walls, imitating the fireplace portal. There is no much resemblance between this kind of fireplace and the real one.
There are many options of materials and ways of making fake fireplaces with your own hands. Surely, you can buy a ready-made portal, and then fill it with accessories and decorate it to your taste. But it is much more interesting to make the house decoration on your own.
The fake fireplace can be made of brick, stone, medium density fiberboard, gypsum cardboard and even simple cardboard. There are no restrictions in respect of materials, as the fake fireplace doesn’t assume the use of real fire. The candles are not counted, as they generate very little heat. However, if you want to use them, you’ll have to provide the fire-safety.
The cheapest and the most popular material for making fake fireplace is gypsum cardboard. It allows to use your imagination, creating any possible forms, including broken, curved and radius lined. The only possible restrictions are the size of accommodation and the necessity of harmonious blending with the interior.
Too large fireplace will look bulky in the small room. And if the room is designed in the modern style, the fireplace must not be too pompous and fanciful.
The fake fireplace can be the main decorative element and create the imitation of real fireplace at home.