From the ancient times fire accompanies us and nowadays our life is impossible without it. Therefore there is a fireplace almost in every house. But what if there’s no opportunity to arrange it inside the house? Then you can arrange the garden fireplace for your dacha or for your private house. And there’s nothing difficult in it, there are a lot of variants of its building, that won’t remain anyone indifferent. More than that it is a wonderful opportunity to organize your rest area.
If you want your house to become more cozy and beautiful, you should buy garden fireplace. Needless to say that it is designed not only to be a decoration. It fully performs its basic function – to warm the owners of the house and their guests. A big advantage is that for the work of the garden fireplace one can use woods or charcoal. You will be able to cook delicious meat, fish and vegetable dishes on fire.
Garden fireplaces could be used for cooking barbeque and just to warm you up near the open fire. You can install the garden fireplace in the garden under the open sky and also in the arbors and in the open terraces.
Types of garden fireplaces.
One can design the fire in different ways depending on how you want to use it. According to this criterion one can distinguish the following types of fireplaces. Thus if you are planning to use a fireplace only as a decoration, just to feast your eyes on or just to create a homelike atmosphere, then the fireplace will look like a classic indoor fireplace as a fireside.
It will have the same constituent components but you will have to think of what it will be made of and how to place it. The other distinction from the indoor fireplaces is the the impact of atmospheric precipitation and other negative environmental conditions.
The material can be extremely various, the main thing is it to be fireproof. The basis can be built using stonework or brickwork. It is also worth remembering that garden fireplace needs a correct arrangement of the chiminea. Of course you can try to do everything yourself but you can also buy a ready-made one, to install it in the garden and to decorate it with the green plants.
The other interesting type which can be installed even on the lawn is a transportable fireplace. It usually has a compact shape, different hight and style. Sometimes there are built-in shelves in a complete set. The next variant is building of the fireplace with barbeque. Such a construction will have not only a decorative role, but a practical one. You will have opportunity to cook different dishes, one of the most popular of which is shashlik. You can also install the brazier there, but the interesting variant is to build it in the general construction.
The opportunity to rest on the open air at the cold season is very important.
Even the back end on dacha can be soulful and pleasant if the terrace is heated with the garden fireplace.